Texas A&M’s Vegetable Spring Field Day Sponsorship

JH Biotech sponsored Vegetable Spring Field Day at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center. Vegetable Spring Field Day is a day of science and learning that explores an array of agriculture complications and solutions.

More than 80 agricultural producers were in attendance for the presentations delivered by AgriLife’s researchers. Throughout the day, Dr. Daniel Leskovar, a former presenter at our Green Agriculture Seminar and Center Director at Texas A&M AgriLife, gave advice on spinach, watermelon, onion, tomato, and melon production along with his fellow researchers.

In addition to covering crop production, attendees received information on different growing systems and improvement methods. “During the field day, participants were able to see work related to cover crops; hydroponic, high-tunnel and in-field production; vegetable breeding, [and] nitrogen-use efficiency,” said Dr. Leskovar.

Attendees also had the added benefit of earning Texas Department of Agriculture and Integrated Pest Management continuing education credits. When talking about the field day, AgriLife Research Director Dr. Craig Nessler said, “Our goal is to help operations to be economically viable by giving them science-based and real-world tested ways to do things better and with fewer or less expensive inputs.

We were very happy to work with Texas A&M on this event and help to spread their information and insights to agricultural producers.


*Photo Credit Texas A&M AgriLife