
Buffermin - Chelated Trace Minerals. Bring Minerals to Life

At JH Biotech, our patented chelation process allows Buffermin® to have superior bioavailability, making minerals to be absorbed and utilized much more effectively and efficiently than other competitors. Unprotected trace minerals interact with other substances in feed and become unavailable to animals. Buffermin® provides trace minerals that are readily absorbed and metabolized by animals, results in optimal performance, immunity, and reproduction.

Beyond performance and efficacy, Buffermin® is manufactured with safety and quality in mind. With unsurpassed quality standards, Buffermin® guarantees safety, quality, and consistency to trace minerals for animal diets.

Stop using dead minerals. Bring them to life with Buffermin®.

Superior Bioavailability

Superior Bioavailability

Reduce Antagonistic Interactions

Reduce Antagonistic Interactions

Readily Absorbed & Utilized

Readily Absorbed & Utilized

Optimal Health & Performance

Optimal Health & Performance

保福敏系列 (Buffermin® Proteinate)

保福敏蛋白質則是一系列螯合微量礦物質,由胺基酸、水解蛋白質與必需礦物質所結合,獨家專利製程為飼畜提供最佳的微量礦物質。 保福敏蛋白系列特色包含穩定性和成本效益。建議將保福敏蛋白系列用於一般預混料和補充劑。


  保福敏系列 (Buffermin® Proteinate) Informational Flyer

保福敏蛋胺酸系列 (Buffermin® Methionate)



  保福敏蛋胺酸系列 (Buffermin® Methionate) Informational Flyer

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